Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or ADHD has become a too familiar term currently. Children and adults alike are being diagnosed with this disorder at an alarming rate and everyone is looking for the causes of attention deficit disorder.
Diagnosis is made using the following criteria:
o Constantly in motion, cannot seem to sit still
o Easily distracted from the task at hand
o Inability to finish tasks
o Squirm and fidgets
o Does not seem to listen to instruction
Causes of ADHD
The causes of attention deficit disorder are debated, though there seems to be some evidence that the disorder tends to run in the family. Two genes have been isolated as being potential culprits in the disorder.
Further studies have shown that children of parents who suffer from ADD are three times as likely to have the disorder themselves. Also at a high risk for developing attention deficit disorder are those with the following medical problems:
o Tourettes
o Learning disabilities
o Traumatic brain injury
o Chemical imbalance, extremely low levels of dopamine for example
o Brain structure deformity, some people with the disorder have been found to have a smaller basal ganglia and lower frontal lobe activity
Regardless of the causes of attention deficit disorder the main thing that parents want to know is how is it treated and are there any natural remedies for ADHD? That is, any ways to avoid using medication.
Whether causes of attention deficit disorder can be determined or not, sufferers are still faced with the issues of treatment. Common practice among medical professionals is to prescribe stimulant medication to counter the effects of the disorder.
One of the problems with this is you are giving your child what amounts to a controlled substance. One that, by the way, has an extremely high street value, meaning it is used by drug abusers to get high.
Two major side effects of these drugs are sleep and appetite problems. These are two of the main causes of attention deficit disorder symptoms in the first place. The sad thing is that the links between behavioral problems and lack of nutrition and sleep are high, so the very medication that is supposed to help may in fact be making matters worse.
I have personally known children who have lost so much weight due to stimulant medication that it required some type of intervention. These same children had to be given prescription sleeping medication because they were only able to get 2 or 3 hours of sleep each night. It is insane. Pills to bring the brain alive in the morning, and more pills to put it to sleep at night.
Herbal Remedies for ADHD
The best way to avoid this insanity is found in providing the body with balanced nutrition. This includes improving the child's diet, and using vitamins, minerals and herbal remedies for ADHD; these are all natural alternatives to stimulant drugs as discussed above. Look for products specifically formulated to balance mood and the ability to concentrate.
Along with a healthy diet, exercise and adequate sleep, herbal remedies for ADHD on the market today can have an amazing effect. Look for herbal remedies that contain the calming herbs lavender, and lemon balm. Known to have a calming influence on the central nervous system, these are an excellent example of herbal remedies for ADHD. They also work well for adults with anger and ADHD issues.
Another great example of herbal remedies for ADHD is a product called Focus Formula. The number one complaint of patients with attention deficit disorder is their inability to focus on everyday tasks. This herbal solution uses non-addictive natural substances like Gingko Biloba to promote memory and focus. This herbal remedy also contains many other herbs conducive to treating ADHD.
Causes of attention deficit disorder will continue to be debated, however the treatment path is clear. Make sure the child has a good sleep routine and is receiving balanced nutrition. See my website for more information on this. Provide the sufferer with natural remedies that aid and heal the body instead of harsh stimulant drugs that are habit forming and could complicate the disorder. Addressing all these issues simultaneously is the safest and most effective treatment for ADHD.
Torrence Tobin has been a student of the link between nutrition and behavior for over 8 years. His research led him to finding natural ways of dealing with attention and mood issues in his own life and family. Torrence is the editor of where he shares what he has found to be effective, natural help for ADHD. His website is a extensive guide to helping, ADHD children and adults learn how to address a wide range of issues that families face when dealing with ADHD.