There are many symptoms associated with attention deficit order and the list can be quite comprehensive; from nuances in their behavioural patterns to even areas of speech and linguistic skills. However, this article will discuss the three main symptoms of this condition as well as some of the minor co-existing symptoms that can exist alongside them.
Attention deficit order is a neurobehavioral developmental disorder that affects about 5% of the world's child population. It also has a tendency to affect boys more than it does girls, with an almost 2 to 1 ratio when it comes to condition achievement. While most people with attention deficit disorder do know even know that they have it in the first place, there are certain coping mechanisms that they develop when they enter adulthood to cope with the conditions and how it affects their behaviour. Methods of treatment would normally incur medication, the use of stimulants and various forms of therapy. While ADHD and attention deficit disorder is a controversial subject, with many camps arguing that it is a part of nuero development in certain specific children, many agree about the main symptoms of the condition.
Under the umbrella terms that can be used to describe ADHD or attention deficit disorder is disruptive behavioural disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, conduct disorder and anti social disorder. We will discuss the main symptoms that carry across these definitions and how you can spot them easily as well for things like early detection and treatment. One of the main symptoms is of course, impulsiveness. This is characterised often by children or individuals unable to control their emotions and their compulsive behaviour. They often act before thinking about the consequences, which can be quite dangerous, as children have been known to fling themselves of a high ledge of even a window due to their attention deficit disorder.
They also have a tendency to interrupt other people when they are in conversation and would insist that they be the centre of attention. There is also the issue of hyperactivity, one of the more common symptoms of attention deficit disorder. This is often seen and tangibilised as spells of restlessness, unable to sit down for a moment, fidgeting, squirming around, climbing on areas of the house or in public and even restless sleep (the inability to enter into SMR sleep). The last main symptom is called inattention, one of the more popular pop culture symptoms featured on movies; but the problem is very real and very serious. These are more prevalent in children, who are unable to pay attention for a long period of time, easily distracted and unable to complete task given to them within any sort of a time frame. Also, you must know that in children, the hyperactivity can come across as defiance and bad conduct, which can be an almost obsessive behaviour pattern in children. These are the 3 main symptoms of attention deficit disorder you should know about and you can use this information for early detection and treatment.
MindMatters Psychology Practice provides child development support services for children and young adults. They also provide an Autism Test [] for children.